Recent Sale Marks High Price Point for Residential Property in Littleton

A residential property at 6680 S Lee St, Littleton, 80127, was sold on January 31, 2023, fetching a sale price of $1,129,550. The single-family property stands out compared to recent local sales trends, with a size of 1,813 square feet making it slightly smaller than average.

Over the past several months, Littleton has seen 48 other sales of single-family properties, averaging sale price of $608,153. Average building size for these homes was 1,882 square feet, indicating an average sales price of $323 per square foot.

In the specific zip code of 80127, there have been 19 other sales of similar properties recently. These homes have sold for an average of $637,879 and had an average size of 1,893 square feet, resulting in an average price per square foot of $337.

This latest transaction highlights that the property on S Lee St traded significantly above the average property price and above the average for its zip code, despite being slightly smaller than recently sold properties in the area.