ICAST Assigned to Determine Feasibility of Solar Power for New Mexico Tribe

The Pueblo of Zia, a federally recognized Tribe located in north-central New Mexico, has employed the International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology (ICAST) to investigate the possibility of solar energy installations on its land. The agreement, dated October 3, 2023, outlines ICAST’s assignment to examine the practicality of two types of solar systems.

The first is a 5-megawatt community solar farm on the Tribe’s reservation. The second includes smaller solar systems to be installed behind-the-meter on Zia Pueblo’s facilities, such as the Zia Enrichment Library, the T’siya Enrichment Center, the Health and Wellness Center, the Tribal Administration Building, and the Zia Pueblo Senior Center.

This attempt links with Zia Pueblo’s intent to increase energy equity whilst improving economic and energy resilience for its residents. The entire project is expected to last one year, commencing with staff coordination and planning.

Subsequent stages of the project will involve technical and business analysis, ending with ICAST supplying its findings and suggestions to Zia Pueblo. The community—made up of Keresan-speaking Indians with roots dating back to the 13th century—is recognized for its unique history and culture, earning it a spot on the National Register of Historic Places.
