Residential Townhome Sale in Littleton Bests Average

A townhome on 11301 W Grand Drive, Littleton, CO was sold on December 19, 2023 for $559,990. The residential property features a building size of 1,869 sq. ft. The sale marks one of the recent real estate transactions in the city’s bustling residential market.

Over the recent months, Littleton’s real estate market has recorded 40 other sales of similar townhomes. The average sale price for these types of properties was notably less than the latest sale, coming in at $446,698. The average square footage of buildings on these properties was 1,342, with an average price per square foot of $333, showing the sold property on W Grand Dr had a higher individual property value.

Zooming in to the exact location, the 80127 zip code area has seen 16 other sales of similar properties in recent months. The average price for these townhomes was $531,213. The average size of the buildings on the sold properties was slightly smaller, standing at 1,687 square feet, with an average price per square foot of $315.

This suggests that properties in this postal code area are selling for prices slightly above the Littleton average, highlighting the strong appeal of the area. The recent sale on 11301 W Grand Drive continues this trend, transacting for a price well above the general average, and higher than the average for the 80127 zipcode.