LAKEWOOD Residential Property Sales Highlights

A residential property located at 12164 Applewood Knolls Dr, Lakewood, 80215 was sold on December 21, 2023. The property fetched a price of $1,278,105. The property, classified as a single-family home, occupies a total building space of 2,918 square feet.

Over the recent months, Lakewood has witnessed 200 other sales of similar single-family properties. The average sales price for these properties was $731,504. The average building size for these properties was 1,822 square feet, which can be mathematically expressed to an average cost of $402 per square foot.

In the specific 80215 zip code, where the Applewood Knolls property is located, there have been 34 other sales of the same type of property in recent times. These properties had garnered an average sales price of $838,227. Here, the average size of buildings sold was 1,844 square feet, with a calculated average cost per square foot amounting to $455.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office