Single-Family Home at 24748 Foothills Dr Sells for $1,195,000

A single-family home located at 24748 Foothills Dr, Golden, was sold on the 21st of December, 2023, for the price of $1,195,000. The residential property incorporates a total built-up area of 2,621 square feet.

This is among the 72 residential properties of the same type that have been recently sold in Golden. The average selling price for similar properties in the area has been about $1,007,916. Properties sold averaged around 2,132 square feet in size, with an average cost per square foot sitting at $473.

In the 80401 zip code, where 24748 Foothills Dr is located, 45 other properties of a similar type were sold recently. These properties had an average sale price of $987,556. The average size of the properties sold was 2,000 square feet, with an average cost per square foot of $494.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office