Single-family Home in Arvada Sold for $1.03 Million

A residential property located at 6118 Violet PL, Arvada 80403 was sold on December 28th, 2023 for the price of $1.03 million. The single-family home comes with 3,225 square footage of buildings on the property.

The sale is a part of a larger trend in the area, with 173 similar properties in Arvada changing hands in recent months. The average sale price for these homes was $648,075. These properties contained buildings with an average size of 1,771 square feet, demonstrating an average price per square foot of $366.

Zooming in on the zip code 80403, there were 23 other sales of single-family homes in the recent months. These homes had an average selling price of $845,926 with an average building size of 1,974 square feet, suggesting an average price per square foot of $429.

The property sale at 6118 Violet PL showcases the ongoing momentum in the local real estate market.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office