Residential Condo in Lakewood Sells for $1.3M

A condo located at 7220 W BONFILS LN 504, Lakewood, Colorado 80226 was sold on December 29, 2023, for a sale price of $1,300,000. The building offers a spacious area of 2,723 square feet, making it considerably larger than the average condo in the area.

In recent months, 45 other residential condos of this type were sold in Lakewood. The average price of these sales was significantly lower, at $316,317. The average measurement of these properties was around 953 square feet, and the average price per square foot was $332. This information underscores the higher-than-average value and size of the condo sold on Bonfils Lane.

In addition, there were 8 similar residential sales that occurred within the 80226 area in recent times. The average price for these sales was slightly higher than the city average, at $345,238. The average size of these condos was 988 square feet, with an average priced at $349 per square foot.

With these figures, the condo sale at 7220 W BONFILS LN 504 stands out in the market for its significantly higher price and roomier size.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office