Single Family Residential Property in Arvada Sells Above Average Price

A Single Family residential property located at 9459 Gore Loop, Arvada 80007 was sold on January 12, 2024, for a price of $1,155,000. The property has a square footage of 4,193, significantly larger than other properties of the same type in the area.

Over the recent months, 164 sales of similar property types have also been observed in Arvada. These properties sold at an average price of $627,860, with the average building size at about 1,693 square feet. The average price per square foot for these Arvada sales was approximately $371.

In the specific 80007 zip code where the 9459 Gore Loop property is located, there have been 16 other sales of the same property type. These properties had an average price of $946,694, suggesting a higher market value in this area. The average building size for these properties was 2,802 square feet, with an average price per square foot of $338.

The sale of the 9459 Gore Loop property stands out for its size and sale price, well above the average prices both for Arvada and for its specific zip code.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office