Residential Property Sale Sees Above Average Prices in Evergreen

A residential property located at 31336 Burn Lane, Evergreen, fetched a sale price of $1,388,000 on 13th January 2024. The single-family home boasted a generous size with its buildings covering 2,791 square feet of total area.

This selling price is a notable amount higher compared to recent sales of similar property types within the same region. A total of 34 other single-family properties in Evergreen have been sold in recent months, bringing forth an average selling price of $1,138,849.

Comparable properties within the 80439 postcode also demonstrate a similar trend in property sales. Another 34 similar property types were sold in this area recently, averaging a sale price of $1,138,849.

The properties sold typically featured buildings averaging 2,283 square feet. Henceforth, the average price per square foot stands at approximately $499 across both the broader Evergreen area and specifically within the 80439 postcode.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office