Single Family Home in Evergreen Sells Above Average Price

A single-family home located at 31336 Burn Lane, Evergreen (Zip code 80439), was sold on January 13, 2024, for the price of $1,388,000. The property encompasses a total of 2,791 square feet of building space.

Thirty-four other properties of similar type in Evergreen have been sold in recent months, bringing light to the area’s active real estate market. These properties, on average, fetched a price of $1,138,849, with the average building size being 2,283 square feet.

What is noteworthy is the price per square foot of these recent sales. On average, property in Evergreen has sold at a rate of $499 per square foot. This data is based on the average price and the average square footage of the properties sold.

The Burn Lane property, selling more than $200,000 above the area’s average, along with having more square footage, contributes to a dynamic Evergreen property market. Comparatively, the average price of similar properties sold in the 80439 zip code mirrors that of Evergreen’s broader property market, maintaining an average sale price of $1,138,849 and $499 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office