Single Family Home Sold in Morrison Exceeds Recent Average Property Sales

A residential property located at 15475 W Columbia Ave, Morrison 80465, changed hands on 19th January 2024. The single-family home fetched a sale price of $1,017,900.

The property features a building measuring 2,997 square feet. This sale price is above the average seen for properties of the same type in Morrison over recent months.

In comparison, 36 similar properties in Morrison have recently been sold with an average price of $904,442. The average square footage of buildings on these properties was slightly lower, standing at 2,345 square feet.

To put these prices into perspective, the average price on a per-square-foot basis for these properties was $386.

The same trend was observed for the properties of the similar type that were sold in the 80465 area recently. The average sale price of these 36 transactions also stood at $904,442. The average building size was again 2,345 square feet, leading to an equal average of $386 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office