SLR Recognized with Environmental Restoration Award

SLR Consulting Ltd., a global leader in sustainable and responsible business strategies with an office in Lakewood, has released their Actions for Business Report on January 30, 2024. The report highlights significant topics that are expected to shape the agenda for sustainable business operations throughout the year. Strategic advisors from SLR’s global regions, as well as from recently acquired brands including Carnstone, Finch & Beak, IBIS, and RCS Global, have contributed valuable insights to the report.

The aim of SLR is to facilitate sustainability. Their expert team of advisors and technicians partners with client businesses to address complex sustainability challenges. This is accomplished through their collaborative and entrepreneurial ‘One Team’ culture.

On January 23, 2024, SLR was awarded the 2024 Merit Award by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Connecticut (ACEC-CT). The award was presented at the 2024 Engineering Excellence Awards Gala. SLR was recognized for the innovative use of water resource engineering in restoring a tidal estuary in the city of West Haven, CT, which had suffered ecological damage due to years of manipulation through tide gates and salt hay cultivation.

SLR worked with the City of West Haven to design a series of Short Response Tests which allowed the reintroduction of saltwater into the marsh for the first time in decades. Alongside removal of old tide gates, the project involved installing a prefabricated aluminum truss bridge for pedestrian use, developing pathways and creating ADA-compliant parking space. This ecological restoration project was greatly appreciated by local residents and added further accessibility to their coastal public spaces.

This is the second award received for this project, having previously won the 2023 Achievement in Civil Engineering (ACE) Award in Coastal Resiliency. SLR continues to expand its services, recently acquiring ITPEnergised, which was announced on January 24, 2024.

For more details, please visit SLR Consulting.