SLR Consulting Limited Acquires ITPEnergised

SLR Consulting Limited has officially acquired ITPEnergised, a consultancy headquartered in the UK specialising in the renewable sector. ITPEnergised, a company comprised of over 100 team members spread across the UK and internationally, is renowned for providing exclusive advisory services in multiple sectors. These include renewable energy, corporate, industrial, property and urban regeneration sectors.

The acquired company excels in various areas of these sectors, encompassing development, construction, operation, repowering and decommissioning. ITPEnergised stands out with unique capabilities in power system design and optimisation, cable engineering and grid connection. They also offer regulatory and social-impact advice to clients regarding strategies for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), Net Zero, sustainability and decarbonisation. This includes a digitised platform, the Net Zero Accelerator®, designed to evaluate investments into low-carbon technologies to hasten the Net Zero transition.

The CEO of SLR, Bradley Andrews, expressed excitement about the acquisition, praising the commitment of the ITPEnergised team to the global decarbonisation mission. According to Andrews, their collaboration will result in one of the largest consultancies serving the worldwide renewable market. He lauded the move as a demonstration of SLR’s commitment to “Making Sustainability Happen” for their clients and society at large.

Jonny Clark, the Managing Director of ITPEnergised, hailed the acquisition stating that their combined technical and advisory teams, along with the evolution of their digital expertise, would create the right partnership needed to accelerate the transition to Net Zero and decarbonised economies.

Alan Edwards, SLR’s European Managing Director, also welcomed the team from ITPEnergised to the SLR family. He celebrated the new and beneficial skills they bring in delivering solutions to achieve a Net Zero environment, something that will significantly enhance SLR’s existing capabilities and provide them with additional skills in power networks.

For more about their services, client experience, team and capabilities, please visit SLR Consulting Limited.