Arvada Residential Property Sells Above Average Market Price

A single-family residence located at 8640 Yank Ct, Arvada, 80005 was sold on February 5, 2024, for a price of $1,094,999. With a total square footage of 2,593, the property was one among the 149 similar residential properties sold recently within the Arvada region.

Compared to the average sale price of similar homes within Arvada, which stands at $628,819, the sale of this Yank Ct property exceeded the standard market rate. The average square footage of buildings on properties sold recently in the Arvada area was 1,708, with an average cost per square foot recorded at $368.

Examining sales within the specific 80005 zip code, one sees a similar trend. Over the recent months, 25 other properties of the same type were sold in this zip code. The average sale price for these homes came out to $667,267, with a square footage of 1,952, yielding an average of $342 per square foot.

Overall, the sale of 8640 Yank Ct, Arvada underscores the premium attached to this particular property, which commanded a sale price significantly higher than both the Arvada-wide and 80005 zip code averages.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office