Residential Property Sells for $1.07 Million in Evergreen

A residential property located at 4500 Hilltop Rd., Evergreen 80439, sold for $1,067,000 on February 26, 2024. The single-family home has a building size of 1,845 square feet.

The sale is consistent with 44 other local transactions recorded in recent months, which showed similar single-family homes being sold in Evergreen. The average sale price for these properties was $1,028,791.

Typically, houses of this property type in the area span an average of 2,083 square feet. The average cost per square foot has been calculated to be around $494.

Similarly, the Evergreen 80439 zip code has seen identical activity in the real estate market as the rest of the city. The homes sold in this area also fetched an average price of $1,028,791 with the average building size being 2,083 square feet and the price per square foot coming out to $494.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office