Residential Property Sold Above Average Price in Conifer

A residential property with a single-family house located at 8340 S Warhawk Rd, Conifer 80433 was sold on February 27, 2024. The property fetched a sale price of $1,270,000.

The property spans 2,960 square feet, setting it apart from similar properties sold in the area. There have been 29 other single-family residential properties sold in Conifer in recent months. On average, these properties had smaller buildings, with an average building size of 1,586 square feet, and were sold at a price of $736,048.

Compared to the recent sales, the properties in the 80433 zip code have been sold at an average dollars per square foot of $464. However, the property on S Warhawk Rd was far sold for a significantly higher price, underscoring the trending real estate market in the area.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office