Residential Property Sold for $1.9M in Evergreen

A residential property located at 5276 Bear Mountain Dr., Evergreen 80439 was sold on February 27, 2024 for a price of $1,900,000.

There were no buildings on the sold property and the type was not specified. This is congruent with seven other similar real estate transactions that have taken place in Evergreen recently, all of which also had no existing buildings on the properties.

Despite the high sale price of the property on Bear Mountain Drive, the average price for similar properties in Evergreen over the last few months has been significantly lower, standing at $257,000.

Similarly, when narrowing the lens to the 80439 zip code area, the average price of seven recent sales of the same type of property remained steady at $257,000. The properties sold in the area also had no buildings on them, matching the trend in the broader area.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office