Arvada Home Sold for $1.1 Million, Exceeding Average Area Prices

A residential property located at 15721 W 79th Pl, Arvada 80007 was sold on February 29, 2024, for the sum of $1,100,000. The property in question is a single-family residence with a total of 2,561 square feet of building space on the property.

This sale joins the 275 other transactions involving the same type of property that have taken place in Arvada over recent months. An analysis of these transactions shows an average sales price of $661,593. The average property size in these sales was 1,752 square feet, making the average selling price per square foot approximately $378.

In the 80007 zip code specifically, where the recently sold property is located, there were 43 other sales of single-family homes in the recent months. These homes were, on average, sold for $877,807, with an average property size of 2,541 square feet. This translates into an average price of $345 per square foot.

The February 29 sale, then, represents a higher-than-average transaction for the area both in terms of total sale price and the price per square foot. It will be interesting to observe whether this sale sets a new standard for the area or if it remains an outlier.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office