Residential Property Sells Above Average in Evergreen

Residential Property Sells Above Average in Evergreen

A residential property located at 4160 S San Souci Ct, Evergreen 80439, was sold on February 29, 2024, for a selling price of $1,678,500. This sale outpaced the average price for similar properties in Evergreen, reported at $1,016,425 in the recent months.

The property, categorized as a single-family type, measured at 2,529 square feet. This too, outstrips the average square footage of similar properties sold in Evergreen, which was reported at 2,010 square feet. Furthermore, the average dollars per square foot in equivalent property sales recorded in recent months was $506.

The sale of this property adds to the 43 similar sales recorded in the Evergreen 80439 area over recent months, reaffirming active real estate transactions in the locality. It is of note that this particular sale price stands significantly higher than the average transaction amount for similar single-family properties lately.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office