Single-Family Home Sells For $1,575,000 in Golden, Colorado

A residential property located at 23765 Currant Dr, Golden, 80401 was sold on February 29, 2024 for a sale price of $1,575,000. It is characterized as a Single Family home with 2,580 square feet of space available within the building.

Golden city has seen 88 other similar sales in recent months, where the average price of such homes was $1,003,185. The buildings on sold properties typically contained an average of 1,995 square feet, with the cost equating to an average of $503 per square foot.

Zooming into the 80401 area code, there were 53 sales of similar property types over the recent months where the average sale price was $1,002,070. These properties had an average square footage of 1,936, warranting an average cost of $518 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office