Women-Owned Small Businesses Flourish in Jeffco

The 2024 list of Women-Owned Small Businesses in Jefferson County, encompassing a total of 144 entries, is impressive due to its diversity spanning various industries. The list was ranked based on the current number of employees held by each company.
Leading the pack, Real Estate Personnel Inc. currently employs 141 staff members. The second spot was claimed by ASEC Inc., providing employment opportunities for 136 workers. Lifehealth LLC also fared remarkably, employing 98 individuals and notching a 32.43% increase in staffing from 74 to 98, according to the 2022 Form 5500.
HukariAscendent Inc. and Pinyon Environmental Inc. followed closely, taking the fourth and fifth places with a workforce of 89 and 81 respectively.
An industry breakdown among the top 25 women-owned businesses paints an interesting picture. The construction, engineering and architecture industries emerged on top, having 6 companies in the fray. This was closely followed by healthcare with 5 companies. Trade, environmental, and staffing each had 3 representatives among the top 25. Software and technology along with professional services each had 2 companies. The real estate sector spotlighted one organization, Real Estate Personnel Inc., which is also the employer with the most staff.
This list exhibits the increasing involvement and prominence of women in Jefferson County’s small business scene, underpinning success across myriad sectors. It stands as a testament to the continuous growth and diversification of women-owned businesses in the region.