DanceSafe Discontinues Amphetamine Test Strips

The amphetamine test strip product has been removed from DanceSafe’s inventory, the company announced on April 1, 2024.

In an effort to ensure all products are effective, up-to-date, and scientifically backed, DanceSafe has conducted a year-long review of its offerings. This involved creating databases for tracking and secondary lab testing, as well as consultations with industry specialists to ascertain best practices for at-home testing.

During the appraisal process, the company decided to stop distributing amphetamine test strips. This decision was due to a lack of confidence in their best usage practices, following an evaluation of available information. DanceSafe stated that the company was unsure about substances that might cause “interferences” or false results. For example, DanceSafe cited the case of diphenhydramine/Benadryl, which can cause false positives with fentanyl test strips.

Due to the insufficient data on these interference substances, DanceSafe said it couldn’t vouch for the reliability of the strips. With new substances constantly entering and exiting the market, the company now intends to prioritize improving the quality and robustness of data surrounding fentanyl test strips.

The discontinuation of amphetamine test strips aligns with the company’s policy to expend effort selectively based on priority. DanceSafe mentioned that it “in an ideal world we would have the capacity to do everything, but unfortunately we need to be selective about where, why, and how we expend our effort as an organization.”

DanceSafe recommends using Marquis, Simon’s, and Froehde reagents for testing amphetamine-type substances like amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, and MDA.

The company expressed gratitude for customer understanding and apologized for any disappointment or inconvenience caused by the discontinuation.

Source: Press Release