Single-Family Residential Property in Arvada Sells for $1.41 Million

A residential property located at 16397 W 76th Ave, Arvada 80007, has been sold on April 5, 2024, for $1,410,000. The sold property, which features a 2,359 square foot building, is classified as a single-family home.

This sale is one amongst 182 of similar properties in Arvada in recent months. The average sale price for these similar properties was reported to be at $692,676. These properties, on average, have buildings with a square footage of 1,770, and a typical selling price of $391 per square foot.

Within the same zip code, 80007, the market shows 30 other sales of equivalent properties. The average sale price for these homes was $940,776. These properties have buildings with an average size of 2,594 square feet, and sell for an average of $363 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office