Single Family Home in Morrison Sells Above Recent Average Price

A residential property in Morrison was sold for $1,555,000 on May 4, 2024. The property is located at 7541 Homesteader Dr, Morrison, 80465. It is a single-family home with a total building square footage of 2,698.

This sale stands out in comparison to 61 other recent sales of similar property type in Morrison. The average sale price for these properties was $929,187, significantly lower than the recent sale at Homesteader Dr. Similarly, the average building square footage of the sold properties in the area was lower, averaging at 2,161.

The recent transactions in the area reflected an average price of $430 per square foot. The Homesteader Dr property, in comparison, was sold at a higher rate per square foot given its sale price and square footage.

Overall, the sale of the Homesteader Dr property points to a notable instance of a single-family home in the 80465 area selling above the recent average price level.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office