Residential Property in Evergreen Sold for $1.65 Million

A single-family home located at 31086 Tanoa Rd, Evergreen 80439 was sold on May 6, 2024, for a price of $1,650,000.

The property encompasses a total of 2,224 square feet, standing above the average size of other properties in the area. The recent real estate market data show that 65 other similar property types in Evergreen have been sold over the recent months, with the average sale price reported to be $1,075,092.

The noteworthy fact from the report indicates that this latest sale outpaced the average selling rate for homes in the 80439 area by a significant margin. The average size of the buildings on properties sold was 2,135 square feet, corresponding to an average value of $504 per square foot. Similarly, the number of houses sold in this area in the recent past also stands at 65.

In a comparative perspective to this latest sale, the property at 31086 Tanoa Rd commanded a higher rate per square foot, revealing its potential attractiveness to home buyers in this pastoral neighborhood.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office