Single Family Home in Golden Sells for $1,230,000

A residential property situated at 3195 Crabapple Rd, Golden, sold on 8th May 2024 for the price of $1,230,000. This single-family home boasts a generous 2,612 square feet of building space on the property.

Analysis of similar sales in Golden over recent months reveals 117 other single-family homes were sold. The average sale price among these transactions worked out to $1,068,810, with the properties having an average building square footage of 2,106. The typical cost per square foot, in this case, was approximately $508.

Specific to the 80401 postal area, in which the Crabapple Road home is located, 65 other similar properties have recently been sold. The average sales price of these properties was slightly lower than the city-wide figure, at $1,022,342. The average building size of these properties was recorded at 2,081 square feet. The cost per square foot among these transactions averaged out to $491.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office