Residential Property Sold in Morrison for $1,426,600

A residential property located at 2938 S Quartz St., Morrison, 80465, changed hands on May 9, 2024, for a sum of $1,426,600. Details about the specific property type were not disclosed and there were no existing structures on the premises as the total square footage of buildings on the property was zero.

It’s worth noting that this sale is not an isolated occurrence within the 80465 zip code. There have been 5 other recent transactions involving similar residential properties in the area. These sales have averaged on a similar price level, with the mean sale price coming in at $1,786,940. Again, these sold properties have not featured any existing buildings at the time of sale, with an average square footage for buildings of zero.

This information provides a snapshot of the current residential property market in Morrison, 80465, where land without property structures are being transacted at considerable prices.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office