Single-Family Home Sells for $1.15M in Littleton, Outshines Area Averages

A residential property in Littleton was reported sold on May 23, 2024. The single-family home, located at 9682 W Belfast Dr, Littleton 80127, sold for $1,150,000. The building on the property boasts a square footage of 2,885, contrasted to local average footages.

The sale indicates a significant increase above average for recent local property sales of the same type. In Littleton, 235 similar properties sold recently displayed an average price of $763,164. These properties offered an average building size of 2,001 square feet, with the cost per square foot averaging $381.

Focusing on the property’s specific zip code, Littleton 80127, there were 89 sales of the same property type in recent months. The average sale price was $807,529. The typical property size stood at 2,033 square feet, translating to an average dollars per square foot of $397.

Therefore, this property’s sales price marks a noteworthy upswing compared to average selling prices both in the wider Littleton area and especially within the 80127 zip code. The substantial square footage significantly adds to the property’s appeal and its resultant selling price.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office