Residential Property Sold for $1.39 Million in Littleton’s 80127 District

A single-family home in Littleton’s 80127 district was sold on June 4, 2024, for a sum of $1,390,000. Located at 104 Willowleaf Dr, the property offers 2,665 square feet of building space.

The sale is one of 303 similar residential transactions reported in Littleton in recent months. The average sale price for similar properties within the town recently stands at approximately $745,411. The average size of buildings on the sold properties is reported to be 1,979 square feet, with an average price of $377 per square foot.

In the 80127 district specifically, there were 116 recent sales of the same property type. Compared to the overall average in Littleton, properties in this district command a slightly higher average sale price, standing at $793,284. The average square footage of buildings sold in the 80127 was 2,028 square feet, translating to an average sale price of $391 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office