Single-family Home Sold for $1.8M in Littleton, Exceeding Recent Neighborhood Averages

A residential property located at 6 BOBCAT LN, LITTLETON 80127 was sold on June 5, 2024, for a price of $1,800,000. The single-family home extends over an expansive area of 4,620 square feet.

In recent times, Littleton has recorded 303 sales of similar property types. The average price for these sales was substantially lower at $749,925. The square footage of the buildings on these properties averaged at 1,985 square feet, at an average cost of $378 per square foot.

When narrowed down to the 80127 postcode, Littleton has observed 117 comparable sales in the recent past. The average selling price in this area was marginally higher at $802,871. These properties had an average square footage of 2,039, resulting in an average cost per square foot of $394.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office