Arvada Residential Property Fetches Over a Million in Recent Sale

A residential property located at 13564 W 86th Dr, Arvada, 80005 was sold on 2024-06-10 for a sum total of $1,002,000. The property is a single-family residence with a sizeable 2,993 square footage of building space. This sale follows the ongoing trend in Arvada’s real estate transactions with 423 similar property types sold in recent months.

The average price for these previously sold single-family residences in Arvada stood at $718,380. These properties had an average square footage of 1,818, leading to an average cost of $395 per square foot. The locality of 80005 in Arvada has also seen steady real estate activities with 99 properties of the same type sold in the recent months.

The average sale price for properties in the 80005 locality, too, was on the upper scale, at an average of $700,019. These properties, with an average built-up area of 1,884 square feet, yielded an average rate of $372 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office