Evergreen Residential Property Sold for $1.21 Million

A single-family home located at 29921 Troutdale Ridge Rd, Evergreen, was sold on June 10, 2024. The sale price for the 1,773 square-foot property was $1,210,000.

This sale is one among 78 other similar transactions that have taken place in Evergreen recently. On average, properties of the same type have sold for approximately $1,246,902. These properties typically have an average size of approximately 2,360 square feet, pricing at an average of $528 per square foot.

The same trend is mirrored in the 80439 zip code specific statistics, where the average selling price for similar properties is also pegged at $1,246,902. These properties also share the same average size of 2,360 square feet and sell for an average price of $528 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office