Residential Property in Littleton Sells for Over $1 Million

A residential property located at 8504 S Newcombe Ct, Littleton 80127, was sold on June 18, 2024, for $1,010,000. The type of property sold was a single-family home with a square footage of 2,343.

In recent months, there have been 289 other sales of single-family homes in Littleton. The average price for these properties was $755,043, with an average square footage of 1,983. The corresponding average dollars per square foot was $381.

Additionally, the 80127 ZIP code saw 116 other sales of single-family homes in recent months. The average price of these sales was $813,560, with properties averaging 2,065 square feet and a price per square foot of $394.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office