Single-Family Home at 8720 Grizzly Way, Evergreen Sells for $1,285,000

A residential property located at 8720 Grizzly Way, Evergreen, sold on January 4, 2024. The sale price of the single-family home was $1,285,000. The property features a sizeable building with a square footage of 3,693.

This sale is one among 29 similar residential property sales in Evergreen. The reported average price for these locally comparable sales was $1,124,892. The average square footage of buildings on these sold properties was approximately 2,294. This computes to an average price of $490 per square foot in recent Evergreen property transactions.

Looking wider to include the specific zip code, 80439, reveals a similar trend. Sales of comparable properties have also been noted. The average price for these homes stood at $1,124,892. With an average building size of 2,294 square feet, the trend of $490 per square foot on sold properties was maintained in this area also.