Residential Property in Arvada Sells Above Regional Average

A single-family home located at 16511 W 95th Ln, Arvada has sold on January 12, 2024 for $1,405,000. The property, boasting a building size of 3,418 square feet, was sold above the average price of similar properties in the region.

In Arvada, there have been 164 other transactions involving the sale of similar residential properties. These properties averaged a sale price of $626,336 and typically had a building size around 1,698 square feet. This translates to an average cost of $369 per square foot.

However, when looking closer into the 80007 postal code, where the property is located, the sale stands out even more. 16 similar sales occurred recently in this specific area, with an average price of $931,069 and an average building size of 2,850 square feet. This gives an average cost of $327 per square foot.

The sale of the property at 16511 W 95th Ln not only marks a higher cost per square foot compared to both area averages, but it also signals a shift in the market dynamics for the 80007 postal area.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office