Single Family Home Sold for $1.27 Million in Littleton

A single family home located at 6658 S Kline Way in Littleton, 80127, was sold on 24th January 2024. The sale price of the residential property was $1,275,342.

The property offers a building with a square footage of 1,813. The transaction comes amid an active real estate climate in Littleton, characterized by numerous recent sales of the same property type.

In recent months, there have been 134 sales of similar single-family properties in Littleton. Those properties commanded an average price of $695,429. They typically featured buildings with an average square footage of 1,990, averaging prices at $349 per square foot.

Moving to the 80127 zip code where the property is located, there have been 48 sales of similar single-family homes in recent months. The properties in this specific area were sold at an average price of $769,430. The homes typically sported buildings with an average square footage of 2,129, fetching prices at an average of $361 per square foot.

The sale thus lands squarely within the ongoing trends in both Littleton at large and the specific 80127 zipcode.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office