Residential Property Sold for Over $1M in Morrison

A residential property at 15424 W Columbia Ave, Morrison 80465 was sold on 2024-03-29 for a price of $1,056,700. The property type is identified as single-family and the total square footage of buildings on the property is 2,997.

This sale is one among 40 similar property transactions in Morrison in recent months. The average sale price for these properties was reported to be $1,000,719. The average square footage of buildings on these properties was marginally lower, standing at 2,271 square feet. This indicates an average dollars per square foot rate of $441 for recent similar property sales in the area.

When the area analysis is extended to the postal area 80465, a similar pattern follows. A total of 40 recent sales of the same property type have taken place, with an average sale price of $1,000,719. The average size of buildings sold was identical to the Morrison average at 2,271 square feet and the average cost per square foot held steady at $441.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office