Residential Property in Golden Sells for $1.39 Million

A residential property located at 13700 Crabapple Rd, Golden 80401 was sold on May 6, 2024 for a price of $1,390,000. The property, a single-family home, boasts a square footage of 1,639.

The sale is part of a larger trend, as indicated by recent real estate transactions in Golden. In recent months, 118 other single-family homes have sold in the area, averaging a sale price of $1,050,525. The average square footage of properties sold stood at 2,090, leading to an average cost of $503 per square foot.

Zooming into the 80401 zip code where the property is located, there have been 66 similar sales in recent months. The average sale price for homes in this area was slightly lower at $1,007,324. The properties sold had an average square footage of 2,073 and an average cost of $486 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office