Residential Property in Morrison Sells for $1,050,000

A single-family residence located at 15852 Deer Ridge Dr, Morrison 80465, sold for $1,050,000 on May 3, 2024. The property has a square footage of 2,349.

There have been 60 other sales of the same type of property in Morrison in recent months. The average sale price of these properties was $927,174. On average, the buildings on the properties sold were 2,158 square feet, with an average cost of $430 per square foot.

Similarly, there were 60 other sales of the same type of property in the 80465 area in recent months. These properties also had an average price of $927,174 and an average building square footage of 2,158, with an average cost of $430 per square foot.

Source: Jefferson County Assessor’s Office