Evergreen Residential Property Sold for $1.68 Million
On February 12, 2025, a residential property located at 3244 Elk View Dr, Evergreen, CO 80439, was sold for $1,680,000. The property is classified as a single-family home and has a total building square footage of 3,475.
In recent months, there have been 55 other sales of single-family homes in Evergreen. The average price of these comparable recent sales was $1,160,377, with an average building square footage of 2,253, resulting in an average price of $515 per square foot.
Similarly, there were 55 recent single-family home sales in ZIP code 80439, with an average sale price of $1,160,377 and the same average square footage and price per square foot as noted for the entire Evergreen area.