About Us

About Us

Jeffco Legends represents a first of its kind (as far as we are aware) data-first take on the traditional business journal model for local news coverage. Like other area business journals, many of which have been around for decades (see list below) we are hyper-focused on the business goings-on of our coverage area (Jefferson County, Colorado). Unlike other business journals, however, we are focused first on telling stories with data—building and maintaining a database of local businesses, executives and real estate transactions and publishing all kinds of data in list, chart and map formats. Boots-on-the-ground original reporting will be rolled out in phase two of our launch.

Please contact us if you feel we are missing key datasets or missing the mark on any of our lists or AI-authored articles. Or if we are missing your business, please let us know that too!

Regional Business Journals

(that came before us)

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